Monday, 16 March 2009

Flights to Greece

Hi again!

I will give you some information for flights to Thessaloniki. From UK there are british airways  and easyjet that fly from Gatwick, however there is an issue for the outbound trip. Both flights are really early in the morning (easyjet 6.55 and BA 08.30) which means you need to fly to Gatwick the night before and spent a night at the airport...(I know that's crap!). easyjet is by far .  However especially from the UK there are charter flights. Sites like and can give you choices for cheaper or more convinient charter flights (around £150-200 return flight). Another choice is to flight through Zurich to Thessaloniki, however I do not know how much this might cost. For sure the cheapest choice is with easyjet through london, but you need to wait for a few hours in the airport (6-7hrs) 
 The alternative is to fly to Athens and either get a connecting flight to Thessaloniki or get the train or the bus to the north (the trip is 45min by air, 5hrs by train or 6-7hrs by bus). For flights to Athens you have more choices. There is BA (expensive but the best service), easyjet (cheap), olympic air and aegean airlines. The last two are greek companies. If you are planning to fly to Athens check aegean airlines. They fly from Stansted and have very good deals with full service. Olympic has flights from Gatwick and Heathrow. They are under new ownership so they might have some good offers (it's our national airline, notorious for delays-however the past years they have improved. On the other hand because they have cancelled their flights to Thessaloniki I will never use them again...bastards!!). KLM and olympic airlines also flies from Amsterdam to Athens. They used to fly to Thessaloniki but cancelled the flight a few years ago (bastards again!!!).  
If you are flying through Athens to Thessaloniki I would suggest to use aegean or olympic, because they are the two main carriers for internal flights. Internal flights if booked seperately from your ticket to Greece might be really expensive (50-150 euros) so try to book everything together. 

The train from Athens to Thessaloniki is quite nice but can be a bit expensive. If you get the intercity it costs from 30 euros to around 50 if you get the really fast one (4hrs). The problem is that you can not book online. If you get the slower train it can be even cheaper. There is an overnight train in which you can book a bed and sleep throught the trip, which is cheap as well (if you don't mind a few farts and the smell of garlic...) If you actually want to use the train please contact me so I can give you more information. The bus is the cheapest way to travel but it's a long trip and can be quite tiring. As with the train please contact me so I can help you book tickets for the bus. 

Aegean and Olympic are quite handy if you are flying from Italy ( and Alitalia of course). I think it is easier to flight from Italy to Thessaloniki than UK. 

That's all for now...I will try to post some more information soon about the city of Thessaloniki and accomodation. 

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